ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Systems of scansion

Okay kiddo, so have you ever heard a poem or a song that has a certain rhythm to it? That rhythm is called scansion. It's like a beat that makes everything flow together nicely. Sometimes, people use systems to help them figure out that rhythm so they can write their own poems or songs with the same kind of flow.

The most common system of scansion is called meter. Just like a meter on a ruler tells you how long something is, a meter in poetry tells you how many syllables or beats there are in each line. Some meters have a pattern, like a song that goes "twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are." That's a pattern of 8 beats, where each beat is like a little foot. They call it iambic (eye-AM-bick), and it's one of the most popular meters.

Another system of scansion is called accentual. This one is a little simpler to understand. Instead of counting beats, it looks at the main stresses or accents in each word. For example, let's say you have a poem that says "I love to eat ice cream in the sun." The words "love," "eat," "cream," and "sun" are all stressed, or important, so you might say that this line has 4 accents.

Finally, there's a system called syllabic. This one is really easy. It just counts the number of syllables in each line, and sometimes it has a pattern too. So, for example, a poem might say "Haiku poem, 5-7-5, syllables in three lines." Everyone knows that a haiku poem follows this pattern, so it helps them write their own poems in the same style.

So, that's basically what systems of scansion are all about. They're just different ways of counting beats, syllables, or accents in a poem or a song to help us understand the rhythm better.