ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

TC/3.6 and TC/6 mines

Okay, imagine you are playing with toys that are shaped like bombs. Some of those toys are called tc/3.6 mines, and some are called tc/6 mines. They look similar, but they have different sizes and strengths.

Think of them as two different kinds of crackers. The tc/3.6 mine is like a small cracker, and the tc/6 mine is like a big cracker. If you light the tc/3.6 cracker, it will make a small explosion, like a little pop. But if you light the tc/6 cracker, it will make a bigger explosion, like a big bang!

Now, imagine you are on a battlefield or in a warzone. Soldiers use these toys to protect themselves and their friends. When they see an enemy coming, they can put one of these toys on the ground and light it up. When it explodes, it creates a loud noise and a powerful shockwave that can hurt or kill the enemy, or at least scare them away.

But of course, these toys are dangerous and can hurt people who don't know how to use them properly. So only experts and trained soldiers are allowed to play with them. And even they have to be very careful not to get too close to the explosion, or they can get hurt too.

Overall, tc/3.6 and tc/6 mines are toys that soldiers use in battles to protect themselves and hurt their enemies. They are like crackers that make small or big explosions, and they are very dangerous, so only experts can use them.