ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

TS-50 mine

Hey kiddo,

The ts-50 mine is a dangerous weapon that is used to hurt or kill people. It looks like a regular disk with a small hole in the center.

So, how does the ts-50 mine work? Well, when someone steps on it or touches it, it explodes with a big bang and shoots dangerous metal pieces, called shrapnel, all around. This can hurt or even kill the person, and it also damages anything around it.

The ts-50 mine is very dangerous, which is why it is illegal to use them in most of the world. These mines are often used in wars by armies or rebels, but they also pose a threat to innocent people who have nothing to do with the conflict.

It's important to stay away from places where you think there might be ts-50 mines, and it's also important to tell grown-ups or authorities if you see anything that looks like a mine.

Remember, it's always best to stay safe and keep away from dangerous things like ts-50 mines.