ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Table of magical correspondences

So, imagine you have a big table that has a bunch of different things on it. Each thing on the table is related to something else in a special way, like how your favorite blanket is cozy and comforting when you're feeling a little scared.

Now, let's say that each thing on the table has a special magic power too! Some things might give you more energy, or help you concentrate better, or even help you feel more confident.

But here's the tricky part - each thing on the table might be related to different magic powers, depending on what you need or want to do. So, you might need a certain plant or crystal to help you feel calm, but that same plant or crystal might also help someone else focus on their work.

A table of magical correspondences is just a big chart that helps people figure out which things on the table can be used for which magic powers or intentions. It's like a helpful guidebook that tells you which plant is good for love spells, or which crystal is good for healing energy.

Overall, a table of magical correspondences is a tool that people use to help them do magic in a way that is safe, effective, and aligned with their personal preferences and intentions.