ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Takhte Soleyman

Takhte Soleyman is a place in Iran where there used to be a big castle a long, long time ago. The castle was built a really long time ago by some special people called kings and queens. The castle was very, very big and was on top of a tall mountain. People used to live there and do all kinds of important things like talk about rulership and have big parties!

Now, people don't live there anymore because the castle is very old and has been gone for a long time. But, people still go and visit Takhte Soleyman and look at the special place where the castle used to be. There are some special things still there like a big pool (like a swimming pool) that the kings and queens used to use. It's very shiny and pretty and people go and take pictures of it.

People also go and see a special place in the mountain called a volcano that was made by the earth a really, really long time ago. They say that this volcano was so strong and powerful that it made the earth shake and lots of fire come out of the mountain. When you look at it now, it's just a hole in the ground but it's still really fascinating!

So even though the castle is gone and people don't live there anymore, Takhte Soleyman is still very special and people love to go and visit it to see all the important things that happened there a long, long time ago.