ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tanakh at Qumran

The Tanakh is a very important book for Jewish people because it contains their history, laws, and beliefs. Qumran is a place where things called Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Some of these scrolls are copies of the Tanakh that were written a long, long time ago.

People who lived at Qumran a long time ago wrote these copies of the Tanakh by hand because there were no printers or computers back then. They wanted to make sure that the words of the Tanakh were preserved so that future generations could read and learn from them.

These Tanakh copies found at Qumran are very special because they were written by people who were very devoted to their faith. They would spend a lot of time reading, praying, and copying the Tanakh by hand to make sure they got all the words right.

The Tanakh copies found at Qumran are important because they help us better understand how the Tanakh was written and how people lived a long time ago. They remind us of the importance of preserving important texts for future generations to learn from.