ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Taney Arrest Warrant

Okay, so imagine you are playing with your toys, and one of your toys goes missing. You really want to find it, so you ask your mom to help you. She looks around the house and can't find your toy, but she thinks she knows who might have taken it.

So she goes to the police and gets something called an arrest warrant. This is like a special paper that says it's okay for the police to go and look for the person she thinks took your toy. They can even arrest that person if they find them and have evidence that they took your toy!

Well, a very long time ago, there was a man named Roger Taney who did something that some people thought was very wrong. They also thought that the police should arrest him for what he did. So, just like your mom, they went to the people who make laws and asked for something called an arrest warrant. This paper allowed the police to go and find Roger Taney and take him to court to answer for what he did.

In the end, Roger Taney was never arrested because some people who were really important said the arrest warrant wasn't fair. But that's a different story for another day!