ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Tanmatras are like the building blocks that make up everything in the world around us. Just like how we can build a tower using blocks, everything in the world is made up of these tanmatras. These building blocks are too small for us to see, even with a microscope!

There are five different types of tanmatras - for touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. Think of them like different shapes of blocks, like a square block, a round block, a triangular block, and so on. These shapes help make different things in the world.

When these building blocks come together, they make our senses work, like when you touch something and feel its texture, or when you smell something strong, or hear a loud noise. Tanmatras help us understand the world around us in many different ways, and it's amazing to think that everything is made up of these tiny little building blocks!