ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Tatting is a special type of craft that involves making beautiful and delicate designs using threads and a small tool called a shuttle. It is kind of like knitting or crocheting, but instead of using a needle or a hook, you use the shuttle to make different knots and loops with the thread.

To start tatting, you hold the shuttle in your hand and wind the thread around it. Then, you make a loop with the thread and hold it in place with your fingers. This loop is called a "double stitch." You keep repeating this process, making more and more double stitches and sliding them down the shuttle to make a chain.

Once you have a chain of double stitches, you can start making different patterns by adding more knots and loops. These patterns can look like flowers, butterflies, or even little snowflakes! You can also change the color of the thread to make your designs even more beautiful.

Tatting requires a lot of patience and practice because it can be a bit tricky to get the knots and loops just right. But once you get the hang of it, it can be really fun and relaxing to create your own unique designs.

People have been tatting for a very long time, even before there were machines to make clothes. In the past, people used tatting to decorate their clothes and make pretty lace for things like handkerchiefs and doilies. Today, many people still enjoy tatting as a hobby and make all sorts of beautiful things like jewelry, bookmarks, and even fancy decorations for special occasions.

So, to sum it all up, tatting is a special craft that involves making beautiful designs with threads and a small tool called a shuttle. You make different knots and loops with the thread to create patterns like flowers or butterflies. It takes practice but can be very fun and relaxing. People have been tatting for a long time, and it is still enjoyed by many people today.