ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, let's talk about taurodontism. Sometimes, people's teeth can grow in a funny way, and taurodontism is one of those ways. Taurodontism is when the teeth have really big roots and the inside of the tooth is much bigger than usual.

Think of a tree - the roots are what keep it in the ground and allow it to soak up water and nutrients from the soil. Similarly, the roots of a tooth help it stay in your mouth and get the stuff it needs to stay healthy. But with taurodontism, those roots can be bigger and the inside of the tooth can be bigger too.

Taurodontism usually affects your molars, which are the big teeth in the back of your mouth that you use to chew your food. If you have taurodontism, your molars might look a little different than other people's molars. They might have a really short part at the top of the tooth, and then a very long root at the bottom.

Some people have taurodontism and don't even know it - it doesn't usually cause any problems with your teeth. But sometimes it can make it harder to clean your teeth or lead to other dental problems. If you have taurodontism, your dentist will want to keep a closer eye on your teeth to make sure they stay healthy.