ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tax rates around the world

Ok kiddo, so you know how we buy things and we pay some extra money to the government, right? Well, this extra money is called tax. Sometimes, the government decides to charge different amounts of tax depending on how much money someone makes or how much something costs.

Different countries around the world have different tax rates, which means they charge people different amounts of tax. Some countries have higher tax rates than others. For example, in some countries, they might charge 20% tax on something that costs $10, but in other countries, they might only charge 5%.

The tax money that the government collects is used to pay for things like schools, hospitals, and roads. So, it's really important that people pay their taxes so that the government can provide these important services.

But sometimes, people try to avoid paying taxes by hiding their money or lying about how much they earn. This is called tax evasion, and it's illegal. People who get caught evading taxes can get in big trouble, including having to pay a lot of money in fines or even going to jail!

So, it's really important to pay the right amount of tax according to the tax rates in our country. That way, we can contribute to the betterment of our society and avoid getting in trouble with the law.