ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Tayammum is a way for Muslims to clean themselves when they do not have access to clean water to perform a regular ritual washing called Wudu. If you are in a place where there is no water, you can perform Tayammum.

First, you need to make sure that there is no water available. Then, you find a clean and dry spot, like the ground or a rock. Next, you say a special prayer called Bismillah and then you pretend like you are washing your body with clean sand or dust. You rub your hands on the sand or dust and then you wipe your face, hands, and arms. Then, you repeat the prayer and repeat the same process again, wiping your face, hands, and arms with the sand or dust. After that, you can now pray to Allah because you have already cleaned yourself through Tayammum.

Remember though, Tayammum is only for when there is no clean water available. So, when you can access clean water again, you must do Wudu or take a shower instead of Tayammum.