ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Technology adoption lifecycle

Have you ever seen a new toy like a remote-controlled car or a drone and thought it was super cool? But maybe your mom or dad didn't want to buy it right away because they wanted to see if other people liked it and if it was worth the money.

Well, the same thing happens with new technology. When a company creates something new like a smartphone or a virtual reality headset, they need to decide how to sell it. They can't just put it in stores and hope people will buy it right away.

Instead, they use something called the technology adoption lifecycle to plan how to sell their product.

The adoption lifecycle has 5 stages:

1. Innovators: These are the people who are always looking for the newest and coolest technology. They might line up outside the store for a new iPhone or get excited about a new gaming console before it's even released.

2. Early adopters: These people are also interested in new technology, but they like to wait until other people have tried it first. They might read reviews online, watch videos, or listen to their friends' opinions before they buy.

3. Early majority: This group is a bit more cautious. They're not necessarily looking for new technology, but they're willing to try it if they think it will make their lives easier or better. They might wait for a sale or a discount before they buy.

4. Late majority: These people are even more cautious. They might not be interested in new technology at all, but they'll consider it if they think it's necessary. They might wait until their old technology breaks before they replace it with something new.

5. Laggards: Finally, there are the laggards. These people are not interested in new technology at all. They might not even own a smartphone or a computer. They're happy with what they have and they don't see a reason to change.

So, when a company creates a new product, they need to think about which group of people they want to target. If they want to target the innovators and early adopters, they might release the product with limited availability or at a high price. This makes it more exclusive and exciting.

If they want to target the early and late majority, they might release the product at a lower price or offer financing options. This makes it more accessible and practical.

By understanding the technology adoption lifecycle, companies can plan how to sell their products and make sure they reach the right people at the right time.