ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Teke Teke

Teke teke is a Japanese monster story that originated in the 1960s. The creature is typically depicted as a vengeful ghost, with long arms and legs that end in sharp blades. She is said to hop around on her stumps, making a "teke teke" sound as she goes.

Legend has it that the monster was once a young woman who fell onto the train tracks while waiting for a train. She was split in half by the train, and her spirit was so angry that it transformed her into the monster known as teke teke.

The monster is said to appear late at night, usually near train tracks or on bridges. If you hear the distinctive "teke teke" sound, you must run as fast as you can, because if the monster catches you, she will slice you in half with her blades.

Although the story is often told to scare children in Japan, there is no evidence that teke teke actually exists. It's just a spooky story to tell around the campfire!