ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Television content rating systems

When you watch TV, the things you see can be scary or inappropriate for you. So, adults came up with a way to help you and your parents know if a TV show or movie is okay for you to watch. This is called the "content rating system". It's like a special sign that tells you what kind of things you might see in a TV show or movie.

The rating system has different levels of ratings based on the age of the viewer. The ratings are shown using symbols or letters, like G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17. When you see these symbols, you can understand what kind of things the TV show or movie might have.

For example, G means that the show or movie is good for all ages. You won't see any scary things, and the language they use is appropriate for children. PG means that the show or movie has some scary, intense, or inappropriate things, but it's still okay to watch if you're a little bit older than five. PG-13 means that the show or movie is better for children who are at least 13 years old. It might have more intense violence, language, or some scary themes.

R means that the show or movie is only for adults who are 17 and older. It might have a lot of bad language, adult themes, or scary scenes that may not be suitable for children at your age. NC-17 means that the show or movie is only for adults who are 18 years and older, and it could have some graphic and explicit scenes.

This rating system helps you and your parents choose good shows that are just right for you. So, always pay attention to the ratings before you watch a TV show or movie!