ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tengiz Field

Okay, so imagine there's a huge place far away called the Tengiz Field. It's like a really big place with a lot of oil and gas inside the ground.

Now, let's pretend that people want to get the oil and gas from inside the ground so they can use it to make things like fuel and electricity.

In order to get the oil and gas, people have to do something called "drilling." This means they dig really deep down into the ground to find the oil and gas.

But, digging down is really hard and can also be kind of dangerous. So, people have to be really careful and use special machines to get the oil and gas out in a safe way.

Once they get the oil and gas out, they can use it to make all sorts of things that help us in our daily lives. And that's basically what happens at the Tengiz Field - people work hard to get the oil and gas out so we can use it for things like driving cars and heating our homes.