ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Terri Schiavo case

The Terri Schiavo case is about a woman named Terri who got really sick one day and her brain stopped working properly. This meant that she wasn't able to talk, eat, or move on her own. Her husband and parents couldn't agree on what to do because Terri didn't have a written plan for what should happen if something like this happened. Her husband thought she wouldn't want to live like this, but her parents thought she could still get better.

The case went to court and eventually a judge decided that Terri's husband could take her off of life support because that's what he thought she would want. Her parents disagreed and fought really hard to keep her alive, but she passed away when they turned off the machines that were keeping her alive.

The case was very controversial because people had different opinions on what should happen to Terri. Some people thought it was really important to respect what Terri would have wanted, while others thought her parents should have been allowed to decide since they loved her so much.