ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Teshuvah is a really big word that means turning around! Imagine you are walking down the street and you realize you're going the wrong way. What do you do? You turn around and go the other way, right? That's kind of like teshuvah.

Sometimes in life, we make mistakes or bad choices. It might make us feel sad or upset, or maybe we hurt someone else's feelings. Teshuvah is when we take a step back and think about what we did that wasn't so good. We think about how we can do better next time and try to make up for it. We might say sorry to the person we hurt or do something to make them feel better.

Teshuvah is also a time in the Jewish calendar when we think about how we can be better people. We might reflect on things we did wrong over the past year and figure out how we can make things right. It's a chance for us to turn around and make better choices.

So, teshuvah is like a do-over button for when we mess up. We can still make things right and become better people.