ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Tetgen is a very clever computer program that helps people do some complex things with 3D shapes. Imagine you have a big bag of marbles, each one is a different size and color, and you want to put them together in a way that makes a shape. Tetgen can help you take those marbles and put them together in a really cool way so you can see what they make!

But that's not all it does. Tetgen can also help you figure out the best way to divide up the shape made by the marbles. You see, some shapes are really hard to divide perfectly into smaller shapes that are all the same size and shape. Like a puzzle, small pieces have to fit together perfectly to make the larger shape. Tetgen can help you figure out how to do this!

Tetgen can also help make sure the marbles don't overlap or have any gaps between them when they are arranged into a shape. It's like a puzzle piece checker to make sure everything fits snugly together.

And finally, Tetgen can even help you measure, cut, or print out the shapes you've made! So in simple terms, Tetgen is a magic tool that helps you make cool shapes and ensure they fit together perfectly by doing all the hard work for you.