ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Text figures

Text figures are the numbers you see in normal writing that aren't stretchy or squished like we sometimes see on digital screens. They look like friendly and evenly-sized buddies, just hanging out with the letters in the same font on the page.

When you write or read things, you usually want the numbers to look neat and match the letters. You don't want, say, a "4" to be twice as tall as a "2" or a "7" to be squished down to the size of a "1". That would be confusing and tough to read!

So, text figures are special numbers designed to look just as good as the letters. They're usually the same height as the lowercase letters, which is why they're sometimes called "lining figures". They're simple, symmetrical, and easy to read.

Text figures are commonly used in printed materials like books, newspapers, and magazines, and they help make reading a much smoother experience. It's like a big friendly hug from the font designers, saying "Here are some numbers that won't give you any trouble! Enjoy your reading!"
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