ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution

Okay kiddo, during the industrial revolution things changed a lot in the way clothes were made. Before this time, people used to make clothes by hand and it took a long time. But during the industrial revolution, machines were invented so that clothes could be made much faster.

One of the big changes that happened was making cloth. Cotton was grown in places like America or India and then sent to factories in England. At the factories, the cotton was cleaned and then spun into thread by machines. These machines could spin much faster than people could by hand, which made it faster and easier to make thread.

The next step was weaving, which is when you use the thread to make cloth. Weaving machines were also invented, so that the thread could be woven together into cloth much faster than it could be done by hand. These machines were powered by a steam engine, which was a machine that could turn heat into mechanical energy. This made the machines run even faster.

Finally, the cloth was dyed, cut, and sewn into clothes. The factories could make lots of clothes all at once, which made it possible for more people to be able to buy and wear clothes. Before the industrial revolution, only wealthy people could afford fancy clothes, but now even people who weren't as rich could have nice clothes too.

Overall, these machines made it much easier and faster to make clothes, which made it possible for more people to have clothes and for the clothing industry to grow bigger.
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