"The Adventure of the Stockbroker's Clerk" is a story about a man named Hall Pycroft who wants to work as a stockbroker. He applies for a job and is asked to go to Birmingham for an interview. But before he can leave, he discovers that his employer, Mr. Abramson, has disappeared, along with all the money he had invested.
Pycroft then hires Sherlock Holmes to help him find his missing employer and the money. After some investigating, Holmes and his assistant, Dr. Watson, learn that Mr. Abramson was actually a criminal who had stolen money from his clients and disappeared. They also discover that Pycroft was not actually being interviewed for a stockbroker position, but rather was being used by Abramson as a pawn in his criminal scheme.
In the end, Holmes is able to catch Abramson and recover the stolen money. Pycroft is grateful for Holmes' help and decides not to pursue a career in stockbroking.