Imagine you and your friend want to trade things. You have a toy car and your friend has a toy plane, but you both don't really want to trade directly like that. Instead, you decide to make a deal. You agree to give your toy car to your friend, and your friend promises to give you a candy bar in return.
Now, think about that same idea, but with people instead of toys. A long time ago, people used to trade goods and services with each other without money. They did this through something called bartering. Bartering means trading things or services directly with each other without using money.
In some places and times, people even bartered for marriage! This is called a "bartered bride." It means that a man and a woman, often from two different families, would agree to marry each other as part of a bartering deal.
For example, let's say a farmer needs some cows, but he doesn't have any cows to trade. However, he does have a daughter who is of marriage age. Maybe a different farmer needs a wife, and he has plenty of cows to trade. So, the two farmers could agree to a bartering deal where the first farmer's daughter marries the second farmer, and in exchange, the first farmer gets some cows.
Bartering for marriage used to be more common, but it is not something people do much nowadays. Nowadays, people use money to buy things, and they usually only marry someone because they love them or want to spend their life with them, not because of a trade deal.