ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Boat Race of the North

Okay kiddo, so you know how some people really like to race their boats? Well, in the North (a place with really cold weather), they have a very special boat race that is very popular.

The race is called the boat race of the north, and it's kind of like a big competition between lots of different boats. The boats have these things called paddles that the people on the boat use to move the boat through the water.

Now, this boat race isn't like any other race that you might have seen before. First, the boats are very long and skinny, kind of like really big canoes. They are also made out of something called ice. Yes, you heard that right, ice!

See, in the North it's so cold that the water actually freezes over and becomes hard like a big sheet of ice. So, they take big blocks of this ice and use special tools to carve them into these boat shapes. Then, they add some decorations and colors to the ice boats to make them look really cool.

So, when the ice is thick enough and the boats are ready, the race begins! The people on the boats use their paddles to push their boat along the ice as fast as they can, trying to beat all the other boats.

It's a really exciting race to watch, especially since the boats can sometimes go really fast and it's fun to see who comes in first. Plus, the whole thing is really pretty to look at since the ice boats have all those pretty decorations on them.

So, that's the boat race of the North, a race where big ice boats with paddles zoom across frozen water in one very snowy and cold part of the world.