ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Cancer Genome Atlas

The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) is like a giant library filled with lots of books that have information about cancer. Just like a library, TCGA has lots of scientists and doctors who read those books and try to understand how cancer works.

But instead of reading books, TCGA scientists and doctors look at things called genes. Genes are like instructions that tell our cells what to do, like how to grow and divide. Sometimes, those instructions become mixed up or broken, which can make cells grow too much and form a tumor, which is what we call cancer.

By looking at the genes of cancer cells, TCGA scientists and doctors can try to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. They can use this information to help create new treatments for cancer that can target specific genes and make them work the way they should.

In summary, the Cancer Genome Atlas is a big library of information about cancer that helps doctors and scientists understand how cancer works and how to create better treatments.