ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Emperor's New Clothes

The Emperor's New Clothes is a story about a very foolish emperor. The emperor wants new clothes, but he's too proud to admit that he doesn't know how to make them. So he hires two "tailors" who promise the emperor they will make the most beautiful clothes ever. The emperor can't wait to show off his new clothes!

But the tailors were tricksters and they make the emperor a set of "invisible" clothes. The emperor is too foolish to realize that his clothes aren't real, so he parades through town in front of his subjects wearing nothing at all.

The emperor's people don't want to tell him the truth and hurt his feelings, so they all say that his clothes are beautiful even though they can't see them. Until finally a little boy in the crowd shouts out "The emperor isn't wearing anything!"

The emperor is embarrassed and realizes he's been tricked. The lesson of the story is that it's important to be honest and not be fooled by things that aren't real.