Hi there!
Do you know how we all have different traits that make us unique? For example, some of us have blue eyes and some have brown eyes. Some of us have curly hair and some have straight hair. These traits are passed down from our parents to us through something called genes.
Now, imagine there is a big group of animals that all live together in one place. Let's say, for example, there are a bunch of birds that all live in the same forest. These birds all have different traits too, just like humans do.
Some birds might have longer beaks that make it easier for them to eat certain types of food. Other birds might have stronger wings that help them fly faster or farther than other birds.
Here's where the genetical theory of natural selection comes in:
Sometimes, certain traits are more helpful to a bird than other traits. For example, if there is a drought and there isn't much water around, the birds with longer beaks might have an easier time finding food because they can reach deeper into the ground to find water.
Over time, the birds with longer beaks will have more babies than the birds with shorter beaks. Why is that? Because the birds with longer beaks are better equipped to survive in their environment, and can find more food, which means they're healthier and more likely to have babies.
As more generations of birds are born, the average beak size of the entire bird population will slowly start to change. Eventually, most of the birds in the population will have longer beaks, because that trait is more helpful for survival in their environment.
This process of certain traits becoming more common in a population over time is called natural selection. It's like the birds are "selecting" the traits that are most helpful for survival, and passing those traits down to their offspring.
So to sum up: different traits are passed down from parents to offspring through genes. Sometimes, certain traits are more helpful for survival than others. The animals with those helpful traits are more likely to have babies and pass on those traits to their offspring. Over time, the population will change as those helpful traits become more common. And that's the genetical theory of natural selection.