ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Great Race (rowing)

Okay, kiddo, so there are these really cool boats called rowing boats. They have a team of people all rowing together really fast to try and win the big race. It's like a big game of "who can row the fastest?"

The great race is one of the biggest rowing races there is - kind of like the Super Bowl of rowing. Lots of different teams from all over the world come to race against each other, and it's a really big deal if you win.

The people who row the boat work together super hard to make sure they're all rowing at the same time, and using all their strength to push the boat through the water. The boat with the most people rowing the fastest will win the race.

Rowing is really hard work, but it's also really fun, and it's a great way for people to work together and achieve something awesome. Plus, it's really cool to watch all the boats going really fast and splashing through the water!