ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Guard (1990 film)

Okay kiddo, so "The Guard" is a movie about a policeman in a small town in Ireland. His name is Sergeant Gerry Boyle and he's kind of a funny guy. He makes jokes and is not always serious like some policemen we see on TV.

One day, some bad guys come to his town to do some bad things. They're drug smugglers and they're trying to bring drugs into Ireland. Sergeant Gerry Boyle is annoyed because he has to deal with them. He doesn't really like his job that much, but it's his duty to protect his town.

He meets an FBI agent named Wendell Everett who is investigating the drug smugglers. Everett is a very serious guy and doesn't really understand Boyle's sense of humor. But they have to work together to stop the bad guys.

Together they have to solve the mystery of who is behind the drug smuggling, and stop them from doing any more harm. Along the way, they face danger and have some funny moments.

In the end, they manage to catch the bad guys and stop them from bringing the drugs into Ireland. Even though Boyle is a bit unorthodox, he gets the job done. And Everett learns to appreciate Boyle's humor a little bit more.

So, "The Guard" is a movie about a funny policeman who saves the day with the help of a serious FBI agent.