ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Hero with a Thousand Faces

Imagine you're watching your favorite superhero movie. The hero is someone you love and he is on a mission to save the world. But have you ever noticed that no matter which superhero movie you're watching, the hero's story seems to follow a similar pattern? This pattern is called "The Hero's Journey," and it was first written about by a man named Joseph Campbell in a book called "The Hero with a Thousand Faces."

Now imagine that the hero in your movie needs to leave his comfortable home and journey to a place where he has never been before. On this journey, he will face dangerous challenges and meet new people who will help or hinder him. But as he goes through the journey, he will learn important lessons and become stronger and more skilled.

This is exactly what happens in almost every superhero movie - and also in many other stories and myths from different cultures around the world. Campbell noticed that there was a common structure to these stories, and he called it "The Hero's Journey."

The journey has several different stages, and each one is important for the hero's growth and success. For example, at the beginning of the journey, the hero often receives a call to adventure - a message that he is needed to help others. But he may have doubts or fears about accepting the call. Eventually, he decides to leave his safe home and venture into the unknown.

Next, the hero will encounter challenges and obstacles. He may need to fight enemies, solve puzzles, or find ways to overcome his own weaknesses. But by doing so, he gains new strengths and skills that will help him finish his mission.

Throughout the journey, the hero may meet allies who can help him. These could be other heroes, wise mentors, or friends who offer support and guidance. But he might also encounter enemies who try to stop him or distract him from his goal.

Finally, after many trials and tribulations, the hero achieves success. He completes his mission, saves the people he set out to help, and returns home a changed person. He may have gained new knowledge, skills, or a deeper understanding of himself and the world around him.

So, what's the point of all this? Why do so many stories follow this same pattern? Campbell believed that The Hero's Journey is a reflection of the human experience - that we all face challenges and struggles in our lives, and that we can learn and grow from them. By reading or watching stories about heroes who face challenges and grow as people, we can learn important lessons about our own lives and find inspiration to persevere when things get tough.

In short, "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" is a book that explains why so many stories and myths follow a similar pattern, and how this pattern can help us learn and grow as people.