ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Hollow Hope

The "hollow hope" means that something or someone seems like it will help you, but it actually won't because it doesn't have the power or ability to do so. It's like if your toy car broke and you asked your teddy bear for help fixing it - your teddy bear might look like it can help, but it actually can't because it's just a stuffed animal and doesn't have hands or tools.

In the real world, people sometimes think that things like laws or court cases will help fix big problems like discrimination or poverty. But even if a court case is won or a new law is made, it might not actually fix everything because there are lots of other things contributing to the problem. For example, even if a law is made saying that it's illegal to discriminate against someone based on their skin color, people might still have negative attitudes towards people with different skin colors, so discrimination could still happen even though it's against the law.

So, the "hollow hope" is a warning to not rely too much on one thing to fix everything - we need to look at all the different factors involved and work on them together to actually make a big change.