ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Horse-Devil and the Witch

Ok kiddo, so long ago people used to believe in things called horse-devils and witches. A horse-devil is a creature that looks like a horse, but with big scary horns like a devil. Now, people thought that if you saw a horse-devil, it meant something bad was going to happen, like someone was going to get sick or you were going to have a bad harvest from your crops.

A witch, on the other hand, is a person who is believed to have magical powers. People thought that witches could make things happen just by saying some magic words, like making someone's hair fall out or making them sick. Some people even thought that witches could fly on broomsticks and have a black cat as a pet.

Now, the reason why people connected horse-devils with witches is because they believed that witches could turn into horse-devils and ride around causing trouble. They thought that witches could do this by putting on a special ointment that would make them turn into an animal and then fly away.

But, this was just something that people believed a long time ago. Nowadays, we know that horse-devils and witches don't really exist and that magic isn't real. We don't need to be scared of them anymore, because they're just made up stories from a long time ago.