ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Mote and the Beam

Have you ever gotten mad at someone for doing something wrong, but then you realized that you do the same thing? That's kind of like what the mote and the beam mean.

A mote is a tiny little speck that you might find in your eye. It's so small that it's hard to see unless you look really closely. But a beam is like a big piece of wood or metal that's really long and heavy.

Now imagine that you're trying to help your friend get a little mote out of their eye. But you have a big beam sticking out of your own eye! You can't see very well because the beam is in the way, but you're trying to help your friend anyway.

That's basically what the mote and the beam means. It comes from a story in the Bible where Jesus is talking about how we shouldn't judge other people for things that we do ourselves. He says that before we try to take a small mote out of someone else's eye, we should first take the big beam out of our own eye.

So, the next time you're feeling like someone else did something wrong, remember the mote and the beam. It's always good to try to understand where someone else is coming from, but it's also important to be honest with ourselves about our own faults and mistakes.