ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The New Yankee Workshop

Ok kiddo, do you like building things with wood? If so, you might be interested in the New Yankee Workshop! It's a TV show where a man named Norm Abram teaches people how to build all sorts of cool stuff out of wood, like tables, chairs, and even houses!

He starts by showing you all the tools you need, like saws and hammers, and explains how to use them safely. Then he shows you how to measure and cut the wood into the right sizes and shapes, and how to put it all together.

The best part is that you can follow along at home! Norm gives you all the instructions you need to build the same things he does on the show. It might take a little bit of practice, but with determination and patience, you can build something really amazing!

So if you're interested in woodworking, the New Yankee Workshop is a great place to start. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be a great woodworker just like Norm!