ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Order of the Stick

The Order of the Stick is a funny, illustrated story about a group of adventurers going on quests together. It's kind of like a Dungeons and Dragons game, where each character has special abilities and has to roll dice to see if they succeed at certain tasks.

The main character is named Roy, and he's a fighter who is trying to stop an evil lich (a powerful undead wizard) from taking over the world. He's joined by other characters like a wizard, a cleric, a rogue, and even a goblin!

Throughout the story, they have to fight monsters, solve puzzles, and work together to accomplish their goals. Along the way, they often make jokes and references to popular culture, like Monty Python or Star Wars.

The story is told through a series of comic strips, with each strip advancing the plot a little bit more. Over time, the characters grow and change, making new friends and enemies along the way.

Overall, The Order of the Stick is a fun and entertaining adventure story that combines humor, action, and fantasy all into one. It's a great read for kids and adults who enjoy comics and role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons.