ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Principia

The Principia is a really important book that was written by a very smart man named Sir Isaac Newton. He wrote it a long time ago, way back in the 1600s! The book is about how things move, like how apples fall from trees, how planets move around the sun, and how things stay still when they aren't moving.

Now, Isaac Newton was super smart, and he figured out something really cool called the laws of motion. He wrote these laws down in the Principia so that other people could learn about them too. The laws of motion explain how things move and why they move the way they do.

One of the laws is that things don't like to change the way they're moving, so if something is already moving, it wants to keep moving that way. Another law is that when things push or pull on each other, they always push or pull back with the same amount of force.

So, the Principia is a really cool book that helps us understand how things move and why they move the way they do. And it was all figured out by a really smart guy named Isaac Newton a long time ago!