ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Punisher

The Punisher is a character from comic books and movies who wears a black outfit and has a skull on his chest. He is a man who is very angry because bad guys killed his family. So, he goes around the city trying to find and punish the bad guys. Punishing means making them pay for what they did wrong.

The Punisher is really strong and knows how to fight really well. He has lots of guns and weapons to help him punish the bad guys. He sometimes works with the police, but sometimes he does things on his own because he's worried that the bad guys might get away.

Even though he's trying to do the right thing by punishing the bad guys, some people don't like what he's doing. They think he shouldn't take the law into his own hands and that he's too violent. But the Punisher thinks that the bad guys need to be stopped no matter what.