ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Rapper

Okay bud, have you heard music that has someone talking really fast and rhyming the words at the end of each sentence? That's one of the things a rapper does. They create music using their words and rhythm.

Now, a rapper is someone who writes their own words and performs them. They talk about things that happen in their life, things they believe in, or just things that are important to them. Sometimes they even make up stories to tell in their songs.

Rappers have a special way of performing too. They use a microphone and sometimes they move around a lot on stage. Some rappers wear really cool clothes or hats.

People like listening to rap music because it's catchy and makes them feel happy or excited. Some people don't like it because of the words the rapper uses or the way it sounds.

So, in summary, a rapper is a person who makes music by rhyming words and talking really fast. They write their own words and perform them to entertain people.