ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Raven (Brothers Grimm)

Once upon a time, there was a raven who lost his feathers and became very sad. One day, a princess saw the raven and felt bad for him, so she gave him lovely clothes to wear so he could feel better about himself. The raven was very grateful and followed the princess everywhere she went.

However, the princess eventually forgot about the raven and started paying attention to a handsome prince instead. The raven became jealous and angry, and he started pecking at the prince's eyes so he would leave the princess alone. The king got very angry and punished the raven by plucking out all of his feathers.

Now the raven was even sadder than before, and he flew away to live in the forest. But one day a magic elf saw the raven's plight and gave him a magic cloak that would help him be invisible. The raven was thrilled and used the cloak to trick the princess and prince into loving each other again.

In the end, the raven was happy to have helped the princess and the prince, and he learned that it's important to be kind and not let jealousy get the best of you.