ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Shooting Party

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game of tag or hide-and-seek with your friends? Well, some grown-ups like to play a game too called the shooting party.

It's kind of like tag or hide-and-seek but with guns. They go out into the woods or fields with their friends and try to find and shoot birds or other animals for fun.

But wait, that doesn't sound very nice or fair to the birds and animals does it? That's because it isn't very nice or fair. We should always try to be kind and respectful to animals and not hurt them just for fun.

Some people don't think it's right to have a shooting party and prefer to enjoy the outdoors and nature without hurting animals. It's important to always think about how our actions affect others, especially animals who can't speak up for themselves.