ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Void (philosophy)

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called "the void". Now, imagine you have a big empty jar. The jar is like the void, which means there is absolutely nothing inside it. It's like the darkness you see when you close your eyes.

Some people believe that the void can exist in our minds or in the universe. It's a philosophical idea that suggests that even when there's nothing there, that in itself has some kind of significance.

For some people, the void represents a blank canvas or a fresh start. It's like when you draw a picture on a piece of paper, and then crumple it up because you don't like it. Now the paper is empty again, and you can start over.

Others might think of the void as a scary or negative thing. It represents the unknown, and sometimes that can be uncomfortable.

But at the same time, the idea of the void also reminds us that everything in life is impermanent. Even the things we love eventually come to an end, and sometimes that can leave us feeling empty. But that's okay, because the void reminds us that new things can come along and fill up that empty space again.

So remember, the void might seem like nothing, but it actually has a lot of meaning for some people. It's all about how you think about it. And just like the blank page of a coloring book, there's endless possibilities for what we can create within it.