ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Voter Decides

When we want to make a decision, like picking our favorite color or what to eat for dinner, we think about our options and choose the one we like the most. When it comes to choosing who runs our country or town, we get to pick by voting.

Voting means we get to fill out a special piece of paper, called a ballot, that shows who we want to be in charge. We get to choose the person who we think will make good choices for our community and represent our beliefs.

Every person who is eligible has the right to vote and make their voice heard. This means that even if we are little kids, we can learn about the issues and talk to our grown-ups about who they want to vote for.

So, voting is like choosing a leader by filling out a special paper, and we all get to have a say in who runs our community or country. It's important to pay attention and make good choices, so that everyone can be happy with the result.