ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Wikipedia Revolution

Okay kiddo, do you know what Wikipedia is? It's a website where people can write articles about things they know a lot about. It's like a big encyclopedia that anyone can help create!

Now a long time ago, people would only use books or talk to other people to get information. But then, in 2001, Wikipedia was created and it changed everything! People from all over the world could share their knowledge with each other and create something amazing together.

But do you know what the Wikipedia Revolution is? It's when people started to realize just how powerful Wikipedia was! People began to use it for school projects, to learn about new things, and even to fact-check the news.

When Wikipedia first started, not everyone thought it was a good idea. Some people thought that anyone could write anything they wanted, and it might not be true! But the people who created Wikipedia had a clever idea: they let everyone write, but they also let everyone check and change what other people wrote. This way, everyone could work together to make sure the information on Wikipedia was accurate and reliable.

And that's exactly what happened! People started to trust Wikipedia more and more, and before long it had become one of the most popular and helpful websites in the world. And that, my dear kid, is how the Wikipedia Revolution changed the way we learn and share information forever!