ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The two Spains

Okay kiddo, this is going to be a little bit complicated, but I'll try to explain it in a way that you can understand.

A long time ago, there was a country called Spain. But it wasn't just one country, it was actually two different countries that were stuck together.

These two countries were called Castile and Aragon, and they were very different from each other.

Castile was in the middle of Spain and had a lot of farming land. People who lived there were mostly poor farmers who worked hard all day to grow crops and take care of their animals. They were proud of their hard work and their strong values, like honesty and loyalty.

Aragon, on the other hand, was in the northeast of the country and had lots of mountains and coastlines. People who lived there were usually richer and more educated, and they had a lot of power and influence. They liked to do things their own way and didn't always get along with Castile.

Over time, the two countries started to combine more and more, until they eventually became one big country called Spain. But even though they were the same country, Castile and Aragon still had their differences.

Sometimes, people talk about the "Two Spains" to describe these differences. They might talk about things like culture or politics, or they might just mean that there are still some tensions between the two regions.

But even though there are differences between Castile and Aragon, they are both part of the same country and they both have a lot to be proud of. And that's what matters most.