ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A theodolite is a special tool that helps people measure very accurately how high and how far away different things are. It looks like a telescope on top of a tripod stand. People use it to figure out where things are located and how tall they are.

To use a theodolite, you first need to set it up on a flat and level surface so it won't wobble around while you're measuring things. Next, you look through the telescope and line up the crosshairs with the object you want to measure. Then, you can use the special dials and buttons on the theodolite to measure the angle between the object and the ground, and how high up it is. This helps people figure out exactly where things are and how big they are, even if they're really far away.

Overall, a theodolite is a very helpful tool for people who need to measure things accurately, such as surveyors who measure land or engineers who build bridges and buildings. By using a theodolite, they can make sure that everything is in the right place and the right size, which helps keep everyone safe and makes sure things work properly.