ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Therapeutic jurisprudence

Alright kiddo, let me tell you about therapeutic jurisprudence. Do you know what a judge is? They are like the referee in a game who makes sure everyone plays fair, but in court, they help people who have disagreements figure out a solution.

Now, sometimes when people go to court, they get worried or scared, and that can make things worse. Therapeutic jurisprudence is a way of doing court that helps people feel better and more hopeful about their future.

For example, instead of just punishing someone, a judge might work with them to figure out why they did something wrong and how to do better next time. This can help people feel more motivated to change and improve their behavior.

Therapeutic jurisprudence is like medicine for the legal system because it helps people feel better and happier about themselves and their situations. Does that make sense?