ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thinopyrum intermedium

Thinopyrum intermedium is the name of a plant that is sometimes called intermediate wheatgrass. It is a type of grass that is often used to make pastures for animals to eat or to grow in areas that might not have good soil.

You might be wondering what makes Thinopyrum intermedium different from other types of grass. Well, it's because this type of grass can grow in all kinds of different conditions like hot and cold weather, wet or dry soil, and even soil that doesn't have lots of nutrients. This makes it a very strong and versatile type of grass.

Thinopyrum intermedium is used by farmers to make a lot of different things. For example, they can make hay with it, which is food for animals like horses and cows. They can also use it to make a kind of flour that they can use to make bread or other yummy foods.

So, that's what Thinopyrum intermedium is - a type of strong and versatile grass that helps farmers make food for animals and even food for people.