ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Third camp

Okay kiddo, imagine there are two big groups of people playing a game- let's call them Group A and Group B. They both want to win the game but they also have some differences in how they want to play it.

Now, imagine that there is a third group of people- let's call them the Third Camp. They don't completely agree with Group A or Group B. They might like some things that Group A does, but they also think that some of the things that Group B does are a good idea too.

The Third Camp stands in between the two big groups and may have different opinions on certain issues than either of the other two groups. Some people might think the Third Camp is just trying to be different, but they believe that their way is the best way to play the game.

In the real world, the idea of the Third Camp can apply to politics, social movements, or any situation where there are two opposing groups with different ideas. The Third Camp can often provide a fresh perspective and may try to bring the two opposing groups together to find common ground.