ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Third party (United States)

Third-party in the United States refers to a group of people or an organization that is not part of the two major political parties such as the Democrat and Republican Party. You know how sometimes in school, there are more than two groups when you play games like tag, and other games? In the same way, when it comes to the government and politics in the United States, there are two main groups or parties that are really popular, like the blue team and red team. But, other groups also participate in politics like the green team, yellow team, or even purple team, and these are called third-party groups.

Just like how parents might ask you and your siblings to pick sides when choosing a game to play at a party, the people in America also have to pick their team when it comes to elections. But, some people do not feel like either of these two teams represents them very well or has all the answers to the problems they care about. Therefore, they might decide to join a new team, like the green team, who they feel share their values and beliefs more closely.

The third-party groups might have different ideas or goals that can shake up the discussion in politics, but they usually have a much harder time winning elections than the two main parties. It is like a race with three people you know and fifty people you don't know so well. Those three people are going to be more popular, and more people are going to be likely to vote for them than they would for somebody they do not know as well.

In conclusion, third-party groups in the United States are like the people who choose to play their own game at a party instead of just picking between the two most chosen games. While they may not be as famous, they bring something unique to the table and have their own beliefs that they want to share with others.