ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thomas Johnes

Thomas Johnes was a man who lived a long time ago and did some very important things. He was born in the 1700s in Wales, which is a place across the big ocean called the Atlantic.

Thomas Johnes was a very busy person because he did many different things, like writing books, planting gardens, and building big houses. He liked nature and animals a lot, so he made sure his gardens were full of different kinds of flowers and fruits that people hadn't seen before.

Thomas Johnes was also very smart and liked to learn new things. He went to school and learned about history and languages, which are different ways of speaking that people have around the world. He even went to a big school in a place called Oxford, where many smart people go to learn.

Thomas Johnes loved reading and writing so much that he eventually wrote a book of his own. It was a really long book with many different stories and poems inside of it. People liked it so much that they asked him to write more books.

Thomas Johnes was very passionate about helping others and giving back to his community. He used his money to build a hospital and a place where people could come and learn new things. He also helped the poor by giving them food and medicine.

In summary, Thomas Johnes was a man who did many different things and was very passionate about learning, helping others, and nature.